Webhook/winkelstraat/push api/v1/shipment

POST https://webhook.example.com

The shipment webhook executes a POST in JSON format to a designated endpoint of the merchant. The shipment webhook event is executed after the customer has fully paid the order and a shipment has been created afterwards.

When using the APIs, the "shipment token" is needed to: * mark shipments as packed, or * to mark items deficient, or * update state of RMA items

The shipment webhook specifies carrier information several times. The semantics of the different fields are listed below: * carrier_code/carrier_method: This is the preferred shipping carrier method selected by the customer during checkout. * shipping_method: The (already) selected shipping carrier method that is used for the current shipment. When the choice for the selected shipping carrier method is diverted to an external logistics service provider the value of the shipping carrier method is empty. * available_delivery_methods: A list of shipping carrier methods that can be for the current shipment. When the choice for the selected shipping carrier method is diverted to an external logistics service provider, this field presents the available shipping methods options. The list is empty when no options are available (e.g., the shipping carrier method has already been determined).


  • x-version string Required

    Version of the webhook.

  • The API-key is a shared secret that can be used to authenticate the incomming request.




POST winkelstraat/push-api/v1/shipment
Request example
  "id": "000000284",
  "uid": "0:3:Z4NL1nrn+/9i2KiKABT7RlTjpct2zm0o2frptz8EoA==",
  "date": "2024-01-26T21:45:30.000+00:00",
  "items": [
      "sku": "wsnl199-wsnl199-5c9de5ad4681ed3eb551e7ee",
      "name": "t-shirts",
      "size": "L",
      "color": "Blauw",
      "image": "https://www.winkelstraat.nl/img/744/744/resize/catalog/product/1/6/1660847_wsnl199-3g1mxe1mxvzf982-image_default.jpeg",
      "price": 271,
      "quantity": 1,
      "reference": "3G1MXE1MXVZF982",
      "manufacturer": "Emporio Armani",
      "article_number": "3G1MXE1MXVZF982 L",
      "shipment_item_id": "lDV"
  "discount": 0,
  "order_id": "000000549",
  "grand_total": 0,
  "shipment_id": "000000284",
  "main_order_id": "000000549",
  "shipment_token": "0:3:CS70ed/6GtDiRsvfuF2Q/5iArqmSr7mYy832e5xZTQ==",
  "picking_pdf_url": "https://m2.winkelstraat.nl/shippingpackingslip/shipment/packingslip/token/MDozOkJhRVpmQ3NHZmVBV0k0WGlteFdYNWtIdVhkb0Y0Y2FCTnRDZjlGZWNZWVR1TktuK09nWkF2cmtOdkpLWHZ0L3RaelhQZUE4aWxwSmVlbHN3QmlVNCtyTTA4ZFFlWEJ1RjRRPT0/",
  "shipping_method": null,
  "shipping_address": {
    "city": "Zonnewijk",
    "name": "Jan Jansen",
    "email": "jan.jansen@gwinkelstraat.nl",
    "street": "Edsger Dijkstraat",
    "country": "NL",
    "postcode": "9012DE",
    "province": null,
    "housenumber": "12"
  "available_delivery_methods": [
      "carrier_code": "ups",
      "carrier_method": "11"
  "logistics_service_provider_code": "lspwarehouse"